Breccia Aurora Classica S.Carlo

Petrographic definition

Breccia calcarea

Commercial category


Color and macroscopic appearance of the stone

Breccia bruno-beige selezionata anche nelle due sotto varietà 'Breccia Laredo', più chiara, e 'Breccia Marina' più scura.

Physical-mechanical characteristics

Apparent volume mass2700 kg/m^3

Soaking coefficient
0,20%no foreclosure
Simple compression resistance79,9 MPano foreclosure

Flexural strength
10,7 MPa
Slabs not too thin
Tangent elastic modulus101.500 MPa
Linear thermal expansion 3,9 10-6 x °C-1no foreclosure
Microhardness1491 MPa

Impact resistance
31 cm
Slabs not too thin
Wear resistance
(relative coefficient of abrasion)
0,68no foreclosure

Frost resistance
(simple compressive strength after freezing)
0,68no foreclosure